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  • Sumana Wellness


    "Samadosha samagnischa samadhatu malakriyah, Prasannatma indriya manah swastha iti abhidhiyate."
    "A person is considered healthy when Vata, Pitta, and Kapha (Tridosha balance), digestive fire (Agni), body tissues (Dhatus), and excretory functions are in balance, and the soul, senses, and mind are in a state of harmony." 🌿 (Charaka Sutrasthana 15:41)

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  • Sumana Wellness

    Registered Massage Therapy

    "Sumana Wellness is where your healing journey begins. Each treatment is a personalized step towards your optimal well-being.Wellness isn’t just a destination; it’s a lifestyle. At Sumana Wellness, we guide you towards your healthiest self."

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  • Sumana Wellness


    "Acupuncture works by aligning the energy of Yin and Yang, guiding the body back to its natural state of balance and vitality.At Sumana Wellness, we honor the wisdom of Yin and Yang, using acupuncture to restore perfect balance and harmony within your body."

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"A fusion of Ayurveda,Healing Arts amd Acupunture for Total Well Being."

Sumana Wellness is your trusted partner in holistic healing, where ancient traditions meet modern care. The name "Sumana" reflects a serene mind, a pure heart, and a flourishing spirit—all of which guide our approach to health and wellness.

Our lotus-inspired logo represents transformation, resilience, and beauty—qualities we aim to cultivate in every individual we serve.

Whether you seek relief from physical discomfort, a calming space to rejuvenate, or a deeper connection to your well-being, Sumana Wellness is here to support your journey. Together, let’s nurture your health, honor your body, and empower you to bloom


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